OK, so as usual....
I'll start reviewing right from the moment it starts playing :)
Firstly, the low score might be because of the phasing at the start. But, I hasten to add that this is 3 people we're talking about >.<
Well, it's not improperly categorised, which sometimes annoys people... hmmm.... Maybe, after all those synths, that solo thing seems a little strange.
MAYBE people find it monotonous. It does go on for a while. Then again, it's not poorly executed, it is catchy, the beat is as usual "trippy"... Even if someone was feeling harsh the lowest they could realistically rate it is 3 :/ Gimme a second let me listen to it again...
Hmm, maybe it is because the synth seem to be unclear.
OK, forget this, I'm tired of being reasonable and dishonest.
This song is cool. It actually carries quite a level of emotion on it. Ah there.... at 2:30 people might dislike the sound effect. I dunno.
It would work in a really weird animation... maybe stick figures, or like a cool video of the same stick man in different places. Or it could even be good for some casual stick figure fighting PWNAGE :) Or a car journey.
Here's a cool idea: Camera starts looking from the pupil of a mans eye at the start and slowly zooms out so its about a meter away from him. With that, it starts orbiting the man as he begins to walk. He visits the most amazing places, they merge seamlessly into one strange stream of vivid life and excitement. People speak to him and he interacts with them, still walking. They seem to want to follow him, but cant keep up. And so he loses them to the next scene. The solo bit could be as night falls. Here, the man seems to falter and stumble, but can see dawn at the other side, so struggles, and slowly the smile returns to his Face. The new dawn awakens when the original pattern is reintroduced, and the man begins again, and in the echoes of the final bit, the first and only words are spoken:
"Man, I love my life."
Followed by some text after a pause: "You will eventually lose all those you care for. So treasure them while they live, and move on when they pass. Be at peace with the circle of life.
As I've said before, your music inspires me. But I am failing at learning Flash :/
Oh well, the point is I can't understand why people rated this so low, and can no one feel it getting inside of you?
Fair enough, it's not the most exciting song, not the most diverse and changing, but hey, this musics meant to be used in Flash Animations right? Well, as you can see above, I think it would be perfect.
Hope you found that helpful, because I need to give you some advice, try to leave out squeaky cheap sounding sound effects, and work on a stronger intro, and maybe change the song to accommodate for the guitar (I think) solo part.
Well, after listening to this song 4 times while I've been reviewing, each cycle seems to be getting shorter. The last one was the shortest 4:18 of my life.
Anyway, back to the point.
More please.
Face <(X_X)>
P.S. Do your work! Who knows how long it will be for people to wake up to your music and freely throw money at you? :D
Wow, only 787 characters until I won't be allowed to write anymore XD
Well come on, if no one else can be bothered explaining themselves for their appalling rating, then I might as well justify my "10" :D